Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Focus Shop - Finally uploaded!!!

Photos...photos...photos... This past 48 hours I feel like I have been sucked in the vacuum that is the world of photography, processing, watermarking, and uploading images to my new photographic gallery, TheFocusShop.com.

I have been amazed that as I have sifted through the 7000 plus images on my computer, I have been able to pull a sizeable gallery of decent photos together. Further, it has spurred me on to capture more photos, with even more interesting content.

From nature scenes to children, dogs to ducks, motorbikes to helicopters... I love capturing life in it's many aspects, especially people and the many emotions we experience.

A sample of a couple of my recent photos are...

Come and check out the photos and leave me some comments. I love hearing people's reactions to my photography, which I hope brings a new expression of life.