Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The baby just dropped out???

I was astounded when I saw a video on MSN today
, describing how a young woman was in the bath, feeling a little uncomfortable, then stood up and the baby just fell out.

Wow, that must have been freaky. I'm completely envious. I've had four children by natural child birth and I had to do hard labour (literally) to get each of those suckers out. I mean how lucky can you get?

The report went on to say that she is in more pain now than when she was in labour, and incidentally, there were two babies in there, with the second born 55 mins later. Well, she might think she's in pain, but she doesn't really know what pain is until those suckers grow into mini adults! Then she'll really know pain. The day they get a will of their own and a voice to match, that's when the real pain begins.

Back to child birth, I vividly recall having my son. I'd been in labour on and off for two days. He was born on Boxing Day - I thought he'd be a Christmas baby for sure, but no, he was born at approximately 6am Boxing Day.

I remember being in labour and the pain being quite controllable. With each contraction I just would go to that happy place where the pain was a long way away. Seriously, it worked until the doctors decided to get involved. They were convinced I was having a monster! You know a 10-pounder or bigger. So, when I was only 5cm dialated they decided to give me a hand via a drip.

Well, I went from being the 'silent achiever', that's what the nurses had nicknamed me because of calm manner in which I was handling the pain etc, to being a holy screamer! The pain was so intense. After one hour I was panicking and begging the doctor to get the baby out, and I didn't care how he did it. He checked me again and I was not that much further along, so he decided to give nature a little helping hand and pushed my cervix open with his fingers. I screamed, my husband nearly punched him and then a very short while later, out popped my beautiful red head son.

The sad thing was that he had to spend the first 12 hours in a humidicrib because of his rude rush into the world. The whole birth thing caused a lot of problems for me, as I truly believe the shock of the birth was a major factor in my getting post natal depression. My son was my fourth child and I'd had them all naturally with minimal painkillers, so I was very experienced at this child birthing business. It was no wonder I was so shocked by this labour.

Anyway, my best wishes are with this young lady who now has her hands completely full with twins, premi-twins, that are going to have a big fight on their hands to make it through the next 8 weeks. My girlfriend had a premi son and it's been a huge battle for them. He's making progress - he's now two - but it has been a long journey, with many hospital visits, therapists and specialists. But he's a bright little soul and has so much love and care, if love alone can make him grow he will be the healthiest young man alive!

Got any unusual birthing stories to share? Why not comment now.