Unlike a male, we do not do well at toughing it out alone, and we are not afraid to lose face if we share our feelings, our failures and our fears. We need our girlfriends to listen, to empathise and most of all, to indulge with us in our comfort activities, like going out for a coffee, shopping, or enjoying some major pampering! As much as we value our male relationships, we acknowledge that girlfriends bring something special into our lives and we give our men permission not to be everything that we require to be happy. But please, don't forbid us to have girlfriend relationships. They are a lifeline!
Think about it…
A girlfriend will listen while you just let it all hang out. She is not afraid if you cry on her. In fact, she expects you to at least once a month and doesn’t hold it against you or mock you for it!
A girlfriend is not going to try to fix you. Well she might, but first she will make all those lovely noises you like to hear, such as “mm…I know…yes…I can see that.”
A girlfriend understands that you can multi-task and it is not a sign of not caring. For example, she may be in the middle of a heart-wrenching tale when your two year old demands milk and you turn your back, go to the fridge, pour the milk, then ask the child if they want anything else. She knows that you are listening, despite your inattentiveness.
A girlfriend will drop everything if it is within her power to help you when you are in need, but there are limits to how far a male will sacrifice for a girlfriend. I mean, try getting a male friend to change your child’s sloppy diarrhoea nappy while you just take a wee kip because you are exhausted! Even the best dad baulks at that one.
Moreover, would a male friend clean your house just because you were stressed? Maybe, but would he rub your feet when you are 35 weeks pregnant and can no longer see your toes? Perhaps, however, he probably would opt out of shaving or waxing your legs and 'hairy shorts' for you, just so that you are not embarrassed when you go to hospital. These are the selfless acts of a loving girlfriend, who would go out of her way to lend support if she were able.
Men have so many positive things to bring to the table in a relationship but there is always going to be room for a girlfriend and these relationships, if taken for granted or dismissed, will be well missed.
A wise woman once gave her daughter this advice as she was getting married:
“Make sure that you don’t neglect your girlfriend relationships because in life there are no guarantees. You never know when you are going to need a girlfriend.”
Whether you are 15 or 95, married or single, a girlfriend is a lifeline you are bound to need at some time.
Tell me, if girlfriends are so important, what are you doing to cultivate your girlfriend relationships?